Tuesday, 9 August 2011

:: Source of Happy Life ::

domo ! *bows* 

why such evil face ?? nothing :p just feel like to make one *evil face*

before i continue with my study; which never seems to end, i want to express my most gratitude to this 2 person whom i really thank god exist in my life. we're not blood related but i really love them as my own family.
one is my Baby 

 ok2 ! my B is not really Jaejoong oppa .  duh ! he's Yunnie oppa's . Forever YUNJAE ! ==> back to our topic, my B love Jaejoong so much . Thus, i put her contact pic as Jaejoong. she's always there for me no matter what and she's the only one who knows everything about me . as i mean everything, really is everything. she is my mobile diary. B is like my phone operator, always ready to serve the customer. ngahahahaaha ! without my B, i won't be able to tell anyone everything about anything. it's true that it's easier to talk to someone far away . I really love you B .

two : he's my super moon because he lights the way for me whenever i'm lost in my darkest heart . and he's my pumpkin ㅋㅋㅋ why pumpkin ? because he always said that his butt is big. like Junsu . . ㅎㅎㅎ and seriuosly it is :p how did he know Junsu ? because Junsu is he's girlfriend's bias .hohohoo :) i met him not very long ago on an event and we just find the chemistry right away . not as what others thought we were. we're really in chemistry as family. he's very mature for someone who's not even 21. he's the one who always besides me and very near to me. he'll be the ambulance whenever my heart sicks . . ngeheheehe, paramedic who always on call :p Thus, I really thank god that he is here with me, helping me going through this life. thus, i love you so much My Pumpkin <3
i hope, they will always be mine and always together forever. My B and My Pumpkin, i Love you so much ! 나의 사랑, 나의 모든겄  !