Tuesday, 18 October 2011

:: OGOOTOO ! ! ::

it's been a week since i went back home for semester break . and seriously, time pass by very fast . mom and dad pick me up and M followed me back . i'm happy because at least i wouldn't be too lonely for at least a week . the entire civilization came to send me away . i was moved ! i love you all so much . and B hadn't talk to me . but i guess she's ok now .

i miss my pumpkin . i miss to be with him like we used too . i know i'm the one who's running away . but it's not really that i'm running away, it's just that . . he's different . of course not in a weird way . i'm too possesive . that's the biggest issue now . i got jealous whenever he's doing something more fun with someone else . or hanging out more with others than with me . don't intepretate it as in like him . like like-him-like-him . because i'm not . i never got jealous of his girlfriend as a prove to my statement before . haiihh . i promise to him that i will accept him as him and won't compare him with H . i'm at fault, i know .

they're so many things that i want to tell him but all i can send to him is (.) as the indicator on days i haven't talk to him . but there's the stupid boundries that i draw my self between us kept us away . the post that i said i'm downgrading him; it's just not true because after all. he is my brother and always will be . there, i said it . maybe i should let him read this because there is no way i'll talk about this matter in this situation . DONDAKEEE ! !